Miguel & TJ

Welcome to a poolside view of hottest twinks. With their libidos at an all time rise making it hard for these boys to sit still. It’s never a dull moment when it’s involving these boys they fuck in every way imaginable flip flopping at a whim and still find the time to sunbathe.

Read more here: Miguel & TJ

Alex Firestones, Blake Bigelow & Ryan Sneaux

Welcome to a poolside view of hottest twinks. With their libidos at an all time rise making it hard for these boys to sit still. It’s never a dull moment when it’s involving these boys they fuck in every way imaginable flip flopping at a whim and still find the time to sunbath.

View post: Alex Firestones, Blake Bigelow & Ryan Sneaux

Cameron, Cali Boi, Malcom More, Virgo da Beast and Brooklyn Bounce – Part 1

The Thugz are playing cards and planning what to do with the rest of their night. It’s pretty clear most of them want to get their freak on but no one’s got any cash so they have to make do with the ass that’s around. The chatter soon dies down as every mouth is busy sucking cock or licking ass. Nothing better than having your dick sucked and your ass fucked at the same time and these Thugz sure know how to make a dull night liven up.

Read more: Cameron, Cali Boi, Malcom More, Virgo da Beast and Brooklyn Bounce – Part 1