Paul Ryan Shirtless

Vice Presidential Candidate Paul Ryan shirtless photo in a bathing suit

As soon as douchebag Paul Ryan was selected to be the Vice Presidential running mate of douchebag Mitt Romney, the second most searched term on Google was “Paul Ryan shirtless”. Leave it to TMZ to be the first ones to dig up a picture of the shirtless douchebag Paul Ryan.

My analysis? Meh. He’s okay, a little bit of chest hair, but too scrawny for me. Look at those chicken legs. When a guy in his 40s is that skinny, there’s an eating disorder somewhere. Or his work priorities are skewed somehow to accommodate a fetishized or unreasonable workout schedule. Can you really expect to get read importnat legal documents carefully while on a treadmill?

Nice hair, though.

Just like the rest of the long, long list of Tea Party Republicans, you can be sure that both Romney and Ryan are just empty suits and haircuts chosen to be puppets of unnamed corporate forces out to reduce their own taxes for their own selfish needs. Voter suppression, unlimited funding, redistricting, unreleased tax history, on down to bold-faced lies has sunk the political process to a joke. And we’re finding out that Ryan hasn’t even “…run the numbers..” on his name-sake budget plan – because there is no “plan” to balance any budget or reduce the debt he keeps railing about! It’s all about privatization and tax advantages for the rich.

Don’t let them win – even if he has six pack abs!

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